Shoulder height: 60-65 inches (150-165 cm)
Weight: 1,400-1,800 lbs (650-800 kg)
Max age: 13+ years is considered as old in the wild
Cape Buffaloes can be found through out East and Southern Africa. The Cape buffalo thrives in all types of grassland habitat in sub-Saharan Africa, from dry savanna to swamp and from lowland floodplains to montane mixed forest and glades, as long as it is within commuting distance of water (up to 20 km /12 miles).
Buffaloes are almost exclusive grazers. Herds include both sexes and live in traditional exclusive herds. Clans of related females and offsprings associate in subgroups. A male dominance hierarchy determines which bulls breed. All-male herds are predominately old and sedentary, as are lone bulls. Calves are born year-round, after a nine-month gestation. Though weeks pass before calves can keep up with a fleeing herd, they do not go through a hiding stage but follow under their mothers’ protection as soon as they can stand. Herds also cooperatively defend members - they flight and even kill lions when aroused by distress calls.
Once fresh Buffalo tracks are found, the group of hunters tries to follow the tracks in hope to get a mature non-breading Buffalo bull in sight. Buffaloes are usually hunted at short distances in thick bush. We highly recommend calibers from 416. upwards and quality soft point bullets for the first shot. In ideal situations a smaller caliber like the 375 H&H also will be fine. Cape Buffaloes are also called “The Black Death” causing over 200 death related accidents and should never be underestimated.